Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Knowledge is Potential Get Some! :)

 A mind is a terrible asset to waste when not educated! So get some :) I would like to introduce more of my Mapu Side & thank leeann for her insights. Esp about the marriage life for us singles and being of a pioneer spirit for our children to follow. I love Lee's thoughts because it proves that when women cultivate a sense of purpose we truly do become our best selves in remembing the "Pay it Forward" motto.  Enjoy my sistahs I sure did perfect lee :) P.S I'm not a byu fan neither hahahaha Utes Baby! jp lee
My name is LeeAnn Tu'uaipea Volavola. My maiden name is Mapu. I'm the daughter of Jackson & Cussana Mapu. My husbands name is Ratu Kalivati Tutudua Volavola but you can just call him Kali. lol. He is from Fiji and grew up in the village of Navua. We got married on Jan. 8, 2011 and have a son Kalivati Jackson Volavola (KJ) who was born on Nov. 10, 2011. (pretty mormon of us to be married and have a kid in the same year huh? LOL) jk. but i have loved married life because i have never progressed so much in my life til this year. It really is a life i suggest to all. :):) its not all good though there are struggles and definite ups and downs but it is amazing! you have a partner for life... no make that ETERNITY! =)=) starting our marriage in the House of the Lord has definitely blessed us. 

I even mentioned in my first blog about marriage that life is crazy but when you have someone willing to be with you throughout it well crazy doesn't seem to bad :):). Motherhood you ask? BEST CALLING IN THE WORLD! you never really understand the meaning of love until you become a mother. seriously. and i don't mean just for my son. i mean my love has grown almost to the point where i don't know how my heart can hold it all in. but it does. through motherhood i've learned more about my Heavenly Fathers love for us because He gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that we all would return to Him & being a mother you want nothing but the best for your child.

Through the sleepless nights, dirty diapers, screaming and crying. . . one smile will melt your heart. seriously, you are done once that baby arrives. hehe. can i point out that one reason i believe that Heavenly FAther wants us to get married before having children is that when you're married you learn how to not think of yourself but you have to think of you and your spouse. and this totally prepares you somewhat for being parents because it really is just not about you but for providing for your child. =)=) but of course that is my opinion. lol

Why did you decide to go to college?
To be quite honest in high school i had no plans for going to college. I actually just wanted to go to San Francisco and find a job. (I've always had a weird love for that place. NINERS BABY! hehe) So anyways i only went to college because i was offered a full ride athletic scholarship for vball from BYU Hawaii. Which I was totally surprised because I wasn't very good. lol. Well if you ask me it was one of those mysterious ways that the Lord works because I did not want to go to BYUH. But I did & it became one of thee greatest blessings I have received.

Another thing that helped me were the people in my life. My junior year like I mentioned my social work teacher noticed my slip in attendance, schoolwork and overall attitude. I mean of course she's a social worker right? lol. Anyways she pulled me in her office and went out of her way to help me with what i was dealing with. I will never forget her kindness in going out of her way to help me. Because of that little talk i have a degree in my backpocket. ;);) & my motivation for any achievement would be my 2 gramas. Who had stressed education to me all the time and my parents who supported me through my entire education endeavors.

What did you do to keep personal problems from affecting your studying and attending? I think I explained it above. But I always thought of the many sacrifices my parents and their parents had made for their posterity to gain a better life, which means an education. And since I had such a blessed opportunity in terms of my free schooling due to the atheltic scholarship. I knew I had to take advantage of it. "Where much is given much is required" I have been given much and gaining an education would be like a payback for my parents. A way of thanking them.
Why did i decide to go back to school with having a family now? Good question. I'm asking myself that right now. lol. jk. Although i know it will be a little stressful I KNOW its the best thing for my family. Because after finishing I will be able to have more job opportunities available for me when i need to work. Even though I'd love to stay at home and raise my son. The price of living in Hawaii doesn't really allow me to. Plus teacher hours are great when you have a family because you'll be at school when they are and then done when they are as well.

What do you want women young and old to learn about pursuing an education?I'm sure we have all heard that saying "Knowledge is Power. But i like the saying KNOWLEDGE IS POTENTIAL. You can gain all the knowledge in the world but if you don't do anything with that knowledge than really what is it for? i support the pursuing of education because that is how we can become our best selves. We cannot be perfect. But we can become our best self through education in all things!!! and there is no end to learning!! You can learn from anybody and anything. :):)
How did you keep from giving up when things got tough?I heard  a term i'm sure we all heard before.. "fake it, til you make it" well for some time this is what I did. My junior year I wanted to quit vball and school. It just didn't interest me anymore. But I just thought k I'm almost done. Jus fake a smile and go through it all one day at a time. The "fake smile" slowly but surely became a "real one" Due to the positive attitude that comes with wearing a smile (no matter fake or real). Soon O became a die hard optimist. Stocking up on positive quotes and stories from the internet and putting them all over my wall in my room! So I'd say one thing was ATTITUDE accompanied with a smile :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Choose Me! Pick Me!

How fun is this ladies! We've got our second sister interview to share. Losa Mapu my relative on my dad's side & I'm so humbled she'd agree to this assignment. I don't always have the best questions and my titles are more for attention seeking. So you all will click and read these entries.. Don't get irritz if the title doesn't match the content. But then that could be twisted into don't judge a book by it's cover. Especially if the content inside can be a priceless gift. If you'd just open it up, receive the encourgement, apply it & than teach others. Anyway here's Losa & HAVE A SUPER MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone I love you!

I'm Losa Mapu and I'm single.. and not ready to mingle:) My favorite pastime would be baking and cleaning. I know, I'm weird but I love the feeling of having a clean and ORGANIZED house. I go crazy when there's paper everywhere, shoes thrown aside, messy clothes, or things not lined up nicely! Yes, I'm a clean freak:/ It's a blessing and a curse all in one. LOL.

How do you make your choices of when to keep a job and when to let go?

I was offered a job after my internship at the Sheraton Waikiki. I was really excited and wanted to accept but after thinking about it I had to decline because the work schedule wasn't practical for me. Hours were late, the bus (my mode of transportation to town) doesn't operate that late, which was my primary reason for not accepting. I wanted to work somewhere close to home and not a far commute time. I was commuting a hour and a half to and from my internship everyday. It was physically and emotionally draining. I got really sick within the first week of my internship and couldn't work for a week and a half. Although I enjoyed my internship at the hotel it would be hard for me to work so far. Even though the Waikiki environment is so different from the Laie/LDS/country feeling I think it was good for me to explore the environment outside of what I'm used to. Not everywhere is like Laie and not everyone is LDS so a lot of things you do as a member is questioned or talked about but I think those experiences helps you to gain a stronger testimony. If you find yourself in a environment that is outside of what you believe and you begin to slip then maybe it's time to reevaluate what you really value, your job or your testimony.

 Once, you've made the choice, how do you know it's the right one?

I think once you've made your decision and everything works out and becomes that much easier then it's the right decision. For myself, the decision I made to not work in town is something I still think about today. It's not the best decision that I've made but it's already been decided and I can't change it so I have to play the cards I dealt myself. I try not to think too much of the 'what if's or 'what could have been' and just try to make the best of what I have now.

I don't think there's a right or wrong choice, just a better choice and even though I may not have chosen the best choice I can always start again and make a better choice. I can testify that fear and fear of failure will only get in the way of success and that fear only comes from your own insecurities so be confident in yourself and your abilities. Don't let doubt and fear run your life. You run your own life♥

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lady Like You!

Good morning sistahs,aunties & mamas!! I'm so excited about this blog that I couldn't put myself to bed without publishing my thoughts. So here's the deal everyone! I will be interviewing some of you on different topics. I'm going to do my best to get to all of you. But if I don't because I've been trying to hit up so many people. Please don't take any of it to the heart & think I'm trying to leave you out. By all means if there's a topic you want to be involved in blogging about over this "Sister Blog" be my guest & volunteer. What you have to say & share matters & if I overlook in asking you. Then know for sure it matters that you participate. And give me a heads up on what you want to share.

Our first topic being address today is on improving our "Self Image" by following the examples of others. I've asked one of my favorite bloggers that I follow to share her thoughts.
In hopes that you all have an opened heart & mind to consider her suggestions. You don't have too but it'd be nice if you'd be open to her ideas. And this is her story.
(This is Lilika, Inoke & their beloved baby Kolo Funaki)

My name is  Lilika Kapuana Funaki and I'm
married to Inoke Funaki.
My favorite quote is "Every minute spent angry is 60 seconds of happiness wasted."
My husband always says this when I get mad (at him), lol. It works like a charm. And it's true :):)
 We recently lost our first born son Kolo Funaki-- shortly before his expected due date, we found out we were going to have a stillborn. For a time, I felt as if my whole world was falling apart. I felt insecure and wanted to shut others out. I was confused and so unhappy. Then, after a priesthood blessing given by my husband, I realized I had focused so much on the bad, that I had completely overlooked my blessings: I had the love and support from my husband, my family and friends, and most importantly I was still alive and physically healing well. I knew I still believed in our Heavenly Father's plan, so I knew I needed to be strong because He knew I would be able to go through a trial of this magnitude. And so I am writing this in hopes that it will help other sisters who may have had a similar experience/feeling.

Question: "How has your perspective of your own self-image changed over the last 3 years?"

Lilika: Honestly, not a lot has changed. I still have my insecurities. I still have a lot of imperfections and a lot to learn. But for every trial I have been able to overcome, the more blessings I see and feel around me, which then makes me stronger and more hopeful by the time another trial comes along.
Question: "What do you do in your life daily to keep a positive self-image?"

Lilika: I continue to do the things I love. I started running again. I continue to blog. I enjoy spending time with my husband, my family and my good friends. More importantly, I faithfully strive to continue to attend church, pay an honest tithing, and fulfill my callings. Through my trials, I have learned that humility goes a long way. I've been able to learn and grow from the hard times. It really puts life into perspective.
Question: How has relying on Heavenly Father kept you from falling into the world's opinion on how you should view your self-image?

Lilika: Personally, I think when one finally figures out who they really are and what they stand for, they recognize their worth; someone with values and standards. I am so blessed to have been born of goodly parents and to have been taught to do my very best to live by my standards. It is because of my faith and reliance upon my Heavenly Father that I am blessed to have a sense of inner harmony and purpose in life.

I want to personally thank lilika for her strong testimony of not only the gospel, self-image & endurance. But her willingness to share such an intimate part of her. Especially that of losing a precious child during this time of her life.
I know that she & her family will overcome all that is asked of them in this life. So thanks leeks..

As for the rest of you out there reading. Our mission is to help you see today that you are beautiful. No matter how ugly you feel inside. Whether because your not skinny enough, tall enough, wear enough make-up etc.. All the crazy things we women torture ourselves in being & putting ourselves down of what we aren't right now. I'm here to echo what leeks was saying overall in her testimony & that is
And in til you believe that for yourself I testify you'll always live below your potential. And so my challenge to each of you today is to repeat that quote til you believe it to be true. And I promise you in the name of Savior Jesus Christ, he will prove that
YOU ARE KIND, YOU ARE SMART, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL & YOU ARE IMPORTANT & a Lady Like You deserves nothing less than to be remind of that & the true knowledge that you light up the lives of many! And that no matter what you are dealing with God is with you! He knows you can succeed & there is no way he won't be there for you.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Woman to Woman I PROMISE YOU!

Tomorrow will mark two weeks since Auntie Vena Mapu-Finau has passed away. Her burial was this past Monday & now we've all returned to our various homes. Some to return right back to the SLC area but many traveled from far distances. California, Hawaii, East Coast, Midwest etc.. And during the week's services & being with her children, our extended family, neighbors, old friends & ward members. The feelings were unanimous, we all loved her because she loved us first. With the purest of Christ-like love she never quit serving with a smile. She never once did anything with a complaining heart.
Her children did an amazing job in testifying of
a loving mother. Her husband though pained by his loss of such a wonderful sweetheart. He managed to carry out the services with such poise. I could only imagine the memories that must have been flooding his mind & heart.
To have to live on without his other half.
Witnessing that type of love made me appreciate
what value we should place on marriage & how
we should treat our spouses or soon to be spouses
with the utmost respect.
 And what I learned from their daughters, my dear sisters during  this entire experience was another eye opener. That life is too short to remain in our old ways. It's too short to be petty over who's right or who's wrong in an arguement. It's too short to be dishonesty in our dealings with our fellow men and women. And it's too short to live with an attitude of "Oh well if you can't accept me the way that I am, than that's your problem." Especially if the way that you are isn't building people up that they may have a desire to follow God. Life is just too short to be short & impatient with others.

These are auntie Vena's beautiful daughters. Narnar in the middle and Pudgie w/the earphones. Again they were such strong spirits during the whole funeral & gave heart warming testimonies. But I'd like to share a little from each one.
Narnar witnessed her mother's passing & had to deliver the shocking news to her family. From this young, loving resilient sister of ours. I've come to relearn that people make mistakes everyday. But when we have a true understanding of forgiveness, how to properly use the gift of the repentance process and allow Christ to heal us with his atonement. Through narnar's testimony I'm reminded we can overcome anything and everything life has to throw at us.

Our dear sister Pudgie I believe was the final testimony on Monday. She made us cry,laugh and really reflect on how she was going to carry out her mother's legacy. She addressed the audience by excusing herself by just having an intimate conversation with her mom.
Beginning each statement with
"Mom I promise you (inserted siblings name) then (duty she'd fullfill) for each one." And she made this declaration with such sincerity,love and determination that it would get done. And it just struck me so deeply of how profound a woman my auntie vena mapu-finau truly was and is today.
And I challenge you sisters if you didn't know her at all. I challenge you find someone you truly admire & learn from them of how to become a stronger example of light.
Death isn't the end but an pathway's extention to reaching our highest potential.
Til we meet again auntie vena we love you!

Our bro Leia Mapu-Lotulelei singing his heart out
for you!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Charity Never Faileth

So I wanted to start up this blog for us girl cousins & sisterfrens that I've created relationships with through the years. For a lot of reasons this idea has been on the back of my mind.. But the 3 main reasons of why now. Has everything to do with the passing away of Auntie Ravena Mapu-Finau. The example of love she'd give to her biological sisters & non-biological sisters were and is an inspiration of Christ-like love. Identical to that of which type Heavenly Father has for us also. An unconditional type of  love. Which is to no wonder why he would call her back home so soon.

 Secondly I wanted to create this space for the people I love as my sisters. To build a safe haven of gathering ideas of how to improve an individuals mind,heart & spirit. We all know that when we struggle personally. It's easy to begin in letting ourselves go. From packing on a few pounds to being negative in our thoughts and worse of all being so anti-social that we begin to believe no one needs us.  So this blog would serve as an assistance for regaining or creating the beauty we all possess. Starting within us all that it can just shine off of us to light other people up. 
From how to build things like sister tini mapu.  Did you know she makes house hold nick knacks & candy jars out of pickle jars?  I didn't know that but how inventive. right? Well she does. So this blog serves that purpose of discovering each others hidden talents. From stuff like schooling each other on school, fashion, culuture etc. In order to read up on what we are involved in & doing while we lead our individual lives.. And sure, this idea might already serve it's purpose through facebook,twitter and whatever. But for me I thought about it and wanted to do it anyway. And tada dada it's at its infance and may not seem like an effective idea to push through. But either way, the opportunity to just share is all I'm really after at this point.
Lastly this reason alone is  possibly the biggest factor of why I'm pushing for this blog.
You all already know how blessed,
 I've been to have the opportunity to grow up with my only biological baby sister Teuila Afo-Vainuku.

 Increasing that  blessing to inherit extended sisters in our family & other associations of mine in my life. Shedding light on how I was raised. Growing up in a family where we would address every cousin as "Oh that's my sister or this is my brother so and so".  From the moment we moved here from California that's how we were all taught & til this day is how we address each other. And because I love to tease. I'd secretly love confusing people when they'd say huh? That's your sister? I thought you only had one or hmmm that's your bro I thought he had kids?lol.. Ahhh where does it end & who's parent is who..lol I enjoy it because that's how the generation before us grew up. That we are all one family brothers and sisters. 
So that's what inspired me to doing this as a soft reminder that we are always needed in unity.
 And I've recognized prior to Auntie Vena's passing away.
As a family we are losing the value & meaning of that title we label each other. And it's been used so often amoung us, that it's just automaticly losing real intent when we address one another. Because for me we're not treating each other in that matter all of the time.
  And in no way am I trying to air out any family business, by expressing these feelings. But this is for sure what I'm trying to communicate to each of you..
If I added you then you mean something or everything to me. Not just because auntie vena's passed away. But because I feel strongly this will be the place to give strength. As well as to draw strength from when needed. In hopes we learn to value that we are all brothers and sisters. And we increase the charity that is needed to continue to love one another. And not just want loss in our families occur and than it's too late to express how we've really felt inside. Whether because we get to busy, easily offended about something or find it a talent to be offensive etc etc. Bottom line is I love you all and here's the beginning towards new life lessons to be experience and shared amoung each other. In order to keep our relationships rock solid. Please add this blog to your list & comment when you can or wish too.


Auntie Vena Mapu-Finau

Rest in Love!~

"A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life."
Author: Isadora James