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My Name is Christine Ko'i Mapu bka Tina. I was born and raised in SLC, Utah but now reside in Las Vegas, NV. Growing up I was the only girl so I loved being with my girl cousins any chance I got. They were my only friends haha I mean I had friends from school and stuff but I never played with them or slept at their homes like I did with my cousins/sisters. Every opportunity I had to spend with them was priceless and always so much fun, even if we were just cleaning the house lol.
I love to dance, always have and still do. Polynesian, Hip Hop, Line, you name it if I could learn it, I'd do it. I can't even remember a time in my life that I wasn't dancing or that I didn't like it. Polynesian dancing wasn't an inspiration, its in my blood, my family traveled across the country and Canada performing so naturally as I got older I danced. I was a natural, it was never really difficult for me, lucky for me. I like to say "I was born to dance" haha.
I can honestly say I was a "Good Girl". Growing up. I did everything right throughout my high school/youth years with exception of the everyday homework lacking or chores lectures. So of course I received my young women medallion, never cut class, received my patriarchal blessing at 16 and graduated from high school early. I picked up a job my last semester while I waited to walk in June then took a Lil break before heading off to college. My future was a given, which would be serving a mission then marriage in the temple followed by children. I mean that is the LDS girls ultimate dream right? Haha As life changed and my plans were altered I took a turn in a different direction and the work and dating scene became more interesting. By the time I turned 21 life was literally "a party". The dating had gotten more serious to the point where I thought more towards marriage but knowing that my life had turned a total opposite from my youth, it wouldn't be a temple marriage. The club/bar scene became all too familiar. At that point I was living life, but I knew it wasn't the right one. What I truly wanted, I couldn't have at the time. My relationship ended, work was just a job. I hadnt finished college and felt a little lost. I had found myself at a dead end and somewhat alone but never stopped attending church every Sunday, possibly to keep up my "GOOD GIRL" image lol. Through church association I met some friends who inspired me to be better, to do better, and from then I found myself praying again I had given up my perfect life plans of serving a mission earlier on and It wasn't until I made a decision to receive my endowments and go through the temple, that I felt a strong impression to consider going on a mission again. With frequent visits to the temple and friends and family that encouraged me, i found myself in the Bishops office talking about reasons of why I may not be able to go. Clearly we as members know that no matter what, the Lords work moves forward, and it did! All the reasons of why I thought I may not had been able to go weren't valid and my application process began. It did take a little patience and perseverance but Im finally living the GOOD life. Ive been blessed immensely. God has proved me wrong and has found me worthy to do the His work. I received my call to serve in the Jackson, Mississippi Mission and I report to the MTC February 1, 2012. This is the best gift Ive ever received but I couldn't have done it without my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the reason WHY I AM!