A few things that have been weighing on my mind has been organizing my daily duties. I've felt out of order moreso when I've comitted to a calling for the church. Then when I've just been complacent & pretty much lazy. Which makes sense to me because when we're on the Lord's errand, it's then that Satan does everything in his power to break us down. Either through our own temptations & weaknesses or through other people we encounter.
Like the scriptures state "There must be opposition *test* in all things." How else would we know the difference between sorrow & joy? When would we make time for praying? If we didn't hit rockbottom here & there through life. And when we choose to give up, blame others or decide not to even try to overcome this opposition, I'm talking about its then that we allow Satan to win.
I am not or nor will I ever be a spotless saint on my own. But through the merits & sacrifice of Christ & his atonement. I am wash clean & my garmets are then cleansed from my sins. And bring that up because there are many of you that have lost your faith. In yourself, your spouses, siblings, childrens and even parents. I know because I myself have been there once or twice myself. Discouragement sets in, anger grows & hope is lost. But this is how I work on my faith & is my hope that it helps you to rebuild & regain what little faith you've lost.
I pray.. I talk to God about what hurts me, angers me & if it's really bad I often say something like this during those intimate conversations. "Heavenly Father I really want to slap so & so because they did this & that please take these ugly feelings away & let me forgive them the way you would." And even though that's an extreme example. The point is I talk to him because I know he's the only one that can save me from myself. I know that he recognizes that I'm a sinner but it's not the sinner that he hates it's the sin he can not accept.. There is a big difference.. You sin YOUR NOT unacceptable to him! ITS YO' disobedient actions that are UNACCEPTABLE..
I listen.. I listen for his direction, I listen for when he says "Ova calm down, Ova say your sorry, Ova it's going to be alright. I listen & do my part to first accept his counsel happily. Trusting that he knows better then me. And I keep listening until I'm convinced that I believe what he's saying is true.. Then finally to regain the faith that I've lost due to my selfishness.
I act.. No not like MADEA off of "Madea goes to Jail" or Queen Latifiah off of "Set it Off" though I've been known to set some mess off..lol But what I'm saying is I act on what God was telling me to listen too. And I just do what takes me out of my comfort zone. Not because I want to all of the time. But because I believe when he says, "It's required for us to forgive all his children but as for him he is no respector of persons and he will forgive who he will forgive." And the principal of forgiveness asks a lot from any of us. But that's why it goes back to prayer & having faith God will walk with you every step of the way. Of making uncontrollable wrongs into tomorrows "rights" & move on.. And if I could give you all any gift today. It would be that you move on & allow yourself to be free from your self-inflicted problems so you could grow into the Faithful Daughter of God intended you to be.
Pray,Listen and Act & I know you will gain the faith you need to take care of yourselves & families. You can't do it alone! So don't even try it.. Love you all!